of the Worontsov Palace

The exposition “Ceremonial halls of the Main Building” of the Worontsov Palace

The Alupka Palace is an outstanding monument of the Romantic era of the 1830s and 1840s. The palace belonged to the Governor—General of the Novorossiysk Territory, Count M.S. Worontsov (1782-1856). The palace was designed by one of the best English architects, Edward Blore (1789-1879)…

The exposition “The House of Count A.P. Shuvalov” in the Shuvalov wing

In 1847, in the western part of the guest building, architect V. Gunt equipped a one-story wing for the Worontsov’s daughter Countess Sofia Mikhailovna Shuvalova and her family. Unlike the main halls of the palace, which are always accessible to guests, only very close people visited them, and a purely intimate atmosphere was preserved…

The expositions «The Butler’s Apartment»

On September 19, 2013, the opening of the exhibition “The Butler’s Apartment” took place in the Worontsov Palace. This exhibition complements the idea of the life of the estate in the middle of the XIX — early XX centuries. Work in this direction has been carried out for many years. The gifts of local residents and museum staff were collected bit by bit…

The expositions “Sculpture of the Southern Terraces”

The exposition “Sculpture of the Southern Terraces” operates in the mode of the museum exposition “Ceremonial halls of the Main Building of the Worontsov Palace” A wide staircase leads to the palace, flanked by the famous sculptures of sleeping lions…

The expositions “Worontsovskaya kitchen” in the Utility building

The expositions “Worontsovskaya kitchen” is located in a separate kitchen building of the Economic Yard. This part of the palace complex, which included extensive services and living quarters for servants, was built in 1838-1844. The general nature of the architecture of the Utility buildings…

Expositions of the Worontsov Palace

«Under the plane tree»

The expositions hall “Under the Sycamore” presents a stationary exhibition “Art Gallery of the Worontsov Palace”, which gives an idea of the main stages of the development of Russian fine art of the late XVIII ‒ early XX century. The twentieth century.  Among the authors are famous Russian artists, graphic artists, sculptors…

Conference room

This year we celebrate the 210th anniversary of the Foreign campaigns of the Russian Army, and in honor of this significant event, the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve, the Kaliningrad Regional Historical and Art Museum and the Borodino State Military Historical Museum-Reserve are presenting a joint project called “From Borodino to Paris.”

«PORCELAIN PANTRY» from the collection of the National Museum of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Alupka Museum-Reserve»

Английский фарфор и фаянс

Выставка экспонировалась в мае 2015 г. в конференц-зале Воронцовского дворца. В двух витринах было размещено 20 произведений из фарфора и фаянса, работы английских керамистов XVIII – начала XX вв. из собрания Алупкинского музея-заповедника. Представленные произведения были…

300 лет фарфоровой мануфактуре в Мейсене

Выставка «300 лет фарфоровой мануфактуре в Мейсене» проходила с июня 2011 г.  по май 2012 г. Она была приурочена к 300-летию основания первой европейской фарфоровой мануфактуры в г. Мейсен (Саксония, Германия). Фарфоровая мануфактура была учреждена по указу короля Польши и курфюрста…

Русский фарфор и фаянс II половины XVIII — начала XX вв.


Виртуальная выставка «Фарфоровая кладовая» знакомит с произведениями  из собрания  ГАУК РК «Алупкинский музей-заповедник». Коллекция музея включает фарфоровые, фаянсовые, керамические изделия разного художественного уровня,…

Western European porcelain and faience of the second half of the XVIII — I half of the XX centuries.

The virtual expositions “Porcelain Pantry” introduces works from the collection of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve”. The museum’s collection includes porcelain, earthenware, ceramic products of various artistic levels, which amount to more than 600 units…

Russian porcelain and faience of the second half of the XVIII — early XX centuries.


.The virtual expositions “Porcelain Pantry” introduces works from the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Alupka Museum-Reserve”. The museum’s collection includes porcelain, earthenware, ceramic products of various artistic levels…