Western European porcelain and faience of the second half of the XVIII — I half of the XX centuries.

Western European porcelain and faience of the second half of the XVIII — I half of the XX centuries.

            The virtual exposition “Porcelain Pantry” introduces works from the collection of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve”. The museum’s collection includes porcelain, earthenware, ceramic products of various artistic levels, which make up more than 600 items. These are the works of domestic and foreign manufactories of the XVIII – XX centuries. A significant part of the collection, 185 storage units, consists of sets made by the Meissen Porcelain manufactory of the 1930s and 40s, which belong to highly artistic products of mass production. Items from these sets are also presented at stationary exposition in the Shuvalov building of the palace.                                                                                                                             Meissen’s oft-repeated work was a service decorated with a “Red Dragon” pattern, which also has the name “Ornamental Dragon”. Its decor was first used at the manufactory in the 1730s for a multi-subject service intended for the Japanese Palace of the King of Poland and Elector of Saxony August the Strong. The drawing, executed in red paint with the addition of gold, is close to Japanese products and captivated Europeans with its exoticism. The objects of the service are decorated with repeated stylized images of an elongated, slightly writhing dragon with four claws, as well as a benevolent ornament “set of jewels”, a medallion with two mythical phoenix birds.

            The Porcelain Pantry introduces the products of porcelain manufactories in England, Germany, and France. Rare products of English and Scottish ceramists, Meissen porcelain manufactory, Sevres porcelain manufactory are presented.                                                      Items from the set executed by the artists of the “Manufactory of Her Majesty Empress P.L. Dagoti” decorate the Ceremonial dining room of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka. These are vases decorated with sepia paintings, gilding, images of military attributes, floral ornaments, ornaments of sphinxes and lyres. The items of this set and works of Western European porcelain, which can be seen in the “Porcelain Pantry”, are stored in the funds of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve”.

Senior researcher
O.A. Vasilyeva