The exposition
"The House of Count A.P. Shuvalov"
in the Shuvalov wing

The exposition “The House of Count A.P. Shuvalov” in the Shuvalov wing

              In 1847, in the western part of the guest building, architect V. Gunt equipped a one-story wing for the Worontsov’s daughter Countess Sofia Mikhailovna Shuvalova and her family. Unlike the main halls of the palace, which are always accessible to guests, only very close people visited them, and a purely intimate, homely atmosphere was preserved. These features were taken into account when creating the exposition “The House of Count Shuvalov”. It was based on previously unpublished items of furniture and personal belongings of the Worontsov, Shuvalov, Vorontsov-Dashkovs. The six interiors of the wing also feature works of art reflecting the stylistic features of the residential premises of the palaces of the mid-19th century. Over the years, they were acquired by the museum from private collections specifically for this exposition.
              The round tower housed the Living Room of Count A.P. Shuvalov. Its walls are decorated with engravings by French masters of the XVIII century. The series “The Life of Marie de’ Medici” is based on paintings by P. Rubens.
              The cabinet of A.P. Shuvalov reveals the life story of its owner. The count always posed for artists in a military uniform. K. Artinger portrayed him as an aide—de-camp to Field Marshal Prince Paskevich in 1848, and M. Zichi as a cavalry guard in 1852. In 1857, F. Winterhalter created another portrait of the count, which is known from a photograph that has long been kept in the Shuvalov family album

             The Shuvalovs were collectors and patrons of art. In their collection there were paintings by Western European masters, including a magnificent copy of the “Family Portrait” by A. Van Dyck, works by K.P. And A.P. Brullov. According to the project of A. P. Bryullov, a Gothic-style church was erected on the Pargolovo estate near St. Petersburg, He was also the author of a watercolor portrait of A. P. Shuvalov’s mother, Countess Varvara Petrovna, nee Princess Shakhovskaya.
            The main part of the decoration of the dining room is a set of mahogany furniture made in England in the I-th floor. 19th century Chippendale style. The table is set with a porcelain dinner set (Meissen., beginning. XX century.) and Bohemian glass. A tea set from the Imperial porcelain factory of the Alexander II era is presented in the coal showcase. On the shelves you can see plates with the coat of arms of the Worontsov — Dashkovs and the inscription “Alupka”. The dining room is decorated with chandeliers and clocks (France, II floor. XIX century), landscapes and still lifes by Western European artists of the XVIII- XIX centuries, color prints by the English artist William Daniel with views of London.
            The count’s wife, Sofya Mikhailovna, was especially attached to Alupka, and to everything connected with the memory of her parents. Pieces of furniture and many elegant trifles, integral to the life of a family mother and a secular woman in the Biedermeier era (50-60 years of the XIX century), passed from them. Imitation of “Chinese” was combined with authentic things exported from the East: screens and vases-clausane (cloisonne enamel), which can be seen by the example of the decoration of this boudoir. A glass display table with a tete-a–tete tea set from the Batenin factory looks appropriate here. The walls of the boudoir are decorated with images of Sophia’s parents and close relatives.
           The decoration of the bedroom emphasizes its intimate character. A four–poster bed, soft curved-backed chairs in Gumbs’ workshop, a dressing table by the mirror, a porcelain jug and a basin for washing – all these items were typical in the everyday environment of a women’s bedroom of the XIX century. There is also an antique thing here — a bureau-secretary of Dutch work of the XVII century.

             There is a whole series of portraits of the Worontsov family in the portrait room. They depict famous representatives of the family, their close and distant relatives. Along with the works of famous masters, copies made by serf artists are also presented. A set of walnut furniture is also on display here – the work of the English workshop of R.Sheraton in the 30-40s of the XIX century, glass, porcelain and bronze products.