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Alupka Palace and Park Ensemble


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    «Под сенью Воронцовского платана»

    02 сентября 2022

    The scheme of movement on the territory of the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve

    About the palace

    The Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve was established in 1990 and today is a subordinate institution of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea. The museum-reserve includes the Vorontsov Palace Museum, the Alupka Park-a monument of landscape art and the Massandra Palace-Museum of Alexander III. On the territory of the museum-reserve there are numerous monuments of cultural heritage, reflecting the romantic trends in the palace and park architecture of the first half of the XIX century.

    The palace complex of the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, consisting of five buildings, was built in 1828-1848 by the English architect Edward Blore (1789-1879) for the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory, Count M.S. Vorontsov (1782-1856). The main halls of the palace, decorated in the style of a traditional English interior, have almost completely retained their original decoration. The unique originality of the Blue living room is given by the finest stucco ornament of flowers and leaves. The decorative design of the Lobby and the Formal Dining room resembles the decoration of the knight’s halls in medieval castles. In the Winter Garden, a ficus repens climbing the walls has been preserved from old plants. The halls exhibit paintings and sculptures by Russian and Western European masters, various objects of decorative and applied art.

    Part of the interior exhibition is “The House of Count A.P. Shuvalov”, “The Office of Count I.I. Vorontsov-Dashkov” and “The Office of the Commandant of the State. Dachas”, telling about different periods in the life of the palace and the museum. They are located in the Shuvalov wing and the Guest Building. Permanent exhibitions are also located here: “The Gift of Professor V.N. Golubev”, “The Paris Archive”, “Poetry of landscape. The works of the National Artist of Ukraine Ya. A. Basov (1914-2004).

    Expositions “Vorontsov’s kitchen”, “The Butler’s Apartment” and the exhibition hall “Under the Sycamore” have been created in the premises of the Economic Building.

    The southern terraces of the palace are decorated with Florentine fountains and vases. On the diabase staircase leading to the sea, there were originally sculptures of lions sculpted from Carrara marble in the workshop of the Italian sculptor Bonanni.

    The palace is surrounded by an ancient park spread over an area of more than 30 hectares. It successfully combines the features inherent in the largest landscape parks in Europe and the features due to the mountainous terrain of Alupka. More than 200 species of exotic trees and plants grow here. The abundance of mountain springs has been used to create artificial lakes and numerous cascades. Picturesque views of the mountains open from the spacious glades. In 1834, a Pavilion in the classical style was built in the Lower Park near the sea, later called the “Tea House”.


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    Worontsov Palace Contacts
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    Telephone +7 (3654) 722-951 Email: direction@worontsovpalace.ru