Maria Vasilyevna Worontsova

Worontsova Maria Vasilyevna, nee Princess Trubetskaya (1819-1895) was the daughter of Prince Vasily Sergeevich Trubetskoy (1773-1841) and Sophia Andreevna Weiss (1795-1848). In her first marriage, she was married to aide-de-camp Alexei Grigoryevich Stolypin (d. 1847), by whom she had a son Nikolai Alekseevich Stolypin (1843-1898). In 1851, she was married for the second time to Semyon Mikhailovich Worontsov. The wedding took place in the Worontsov Palace, in Alupka, in the Ceremonial dining room, as evidenced by two paired buffets of French work with the monograms of the newlyweds.

After the death of S.M.Worontsov in 1882, Maria Vasilyevna inherited only the acquired estates and movable property located in the entail, most of which she sold at auctions.


Her appearance was described by L.N. Tolstoy in the story "Hadji Murad": "a large, big-eyed, black-browed beauty"

Cited by: Galichenko A.A. Ancient estates of the Crimea, Simf., 2008, p.71

After the death of S.M. Worontsova, she went to Florence, where she lived spend your days in your own villa. Her son, Nikolai, was next to her. Alekseyevich Stolypin, who had the household nickname Bulka and received the title of Duke de Montelfi from the Italian king.