Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov

After the death of svetl. Prince S. M. worontsov’s estate was owned alternately by two of his nephews:
Worontsov Pavel Andreevich (1848-1885), His Serene Highness Prince, Count Shuvalov, retired staff captain. The next heir to the entail is his brother Mikhail Andreevich (born 1847).

The eldest grandson of Field Marshal M.S. Worontsov on the female line, Count Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov (1848-1885), who, as “heir to the major estate in the family of Princes Worontsov,” was “most highly commanded to attach to his surname the title, coat of arms and surname of the founder of this estate, with the name: “His Serene Highness Prince Worontsov, Count Shuvalov.”
Count Shuvalov, owned the entail from 1882 to 1885. In 1885, he married for the first time the former wife of the chamber Junker P.V. Stolypin, Elizabeth Karlovna, born Baroness Pilar von Pilhau. He died in France and was buried at the Montmartre Cemetery in Paris.


The son of Mikhail Semenovich Worontsov's daughter, Sofya Mikhailovna Shuvalova. His military career did not go well: he rose to the rank of staff captain, was considered overly nervous in the family, custody was established over him.

Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov

In 1885, in Alupka, in the church of the Archangel Michael, the wedding of Count P.A. Shuvalov with Baroness Elizabeth Karlovna Pilar von took place Pilhau. The wedding dinner was held in Alupka, but not in the palace, but in the house of the Englishman Garforth. Soon the young people left for Paris, where in April 1885 The year P.A. Shuvalov, His Serene Highness Prince Vorontsov died unexpectedly.